I want to grow up. I don't want to stay ignorant of the deeper truths of God's word, but I want-- as the writer of Hebrews urges me-- to move from the elementary principles and eat the meat of the word. This longing gnaws at me, as another, equally powerful desire holds me back. The war within my flesh. I don't pretend to understand how I can possess two opposing and equally powerful desires at once. The contradiction of this is stagnating, almost crippling. I want to grow, but I don't want to be uncomfortable. I want to live for Christ with total abandon of myself, but what does this mean for my future? Fear overwhelms, and I shrink back. Lord, show me how to live, really live for you.
L ike it or hate it, masks and other protective measures are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. I’ve felt a “stuck in the middle'' attitude towards them with deeply opinionated friends on both sides. Through this I’ve found that there’s thoughtful information and well-meaning believers on both sides of the Covid response. When we take an “us versus them” mentality on such superficial issues, we are divided and inadvertently mask the Gospel-- dear reader, this shouldn’t happen! When we focus on all of the litany of rules and regulations, we're ignoring a burgeoning truth pulsing under the Covid crisis. The gospel doesn't have to be masked! There's no sign saying "No Gospel allowed" (yet!). When Paul was in prison he wrote a letter speaking of rejoicing because even though he was in chains, the gospel was not chained, the word of God was not chained. Now, the entire world fraught with a disease-- or fraught with the response to this disease-...
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